ZUŠ Open

On Saturday, October 3rd, the castle complex in Liteň was opened for the second time to a show of art schools of the Central Bohemian region called “ZUŠ Open”. The 4th year of the nationwide project, which celebrates a unique system of art education in the Czech Republic, chose Liteň as its´ venue for the second time after last year’s great responses. 

The varied program started at 2.30 pm and took place in the chateau premises and the park. Visitors enjoyed popular and musical melodies, jazz and swing, art workshops, exhibitions, matinees with classical music and an evening concert of young talented artists. All this was directed by pupils and teachers of art schools in Central Bohemia, Pilsen, Pardubice and Prague regions. 

The motto of this year’s “ZUŠ Open” happening was “ZUŠ Open helps”. The art schools wanted through the art to draw attention to the need for social responsibility and education for the young generation. And so, in the spirit of this idea, the amount of the voluntary entrance fee was donated to support the repair of the historical torments in Liteň near the church and the castle grounds, thus supporting the development of the region. 



14:30–16:30 Attractive music program in the castle park (popular and musical melodies, jazz, swing)

16:30 Afternoon matinee in the Čechovna concert hall with classical music

17: 15–17: 15 Sala terrena: Art lives!

18:30 Evening musical soare the Čechovna concert hall
Thematic exhibitions of art works in the castle park