Community life

Community life


  • To return Liteň to the map of important cultural places in the Czech Republic.
  • To support community activities in Liteň and the surrounding region. By doing so we intend to increase the attractiveness of the site and to raise public awareness of the cultural and historical importance of this place.


A) Purchasing a pawn from „The Karlstejn Chess Game“ project for the small town of Liteň (the project interconnects cultural and touristic interesting places of the region)

B) Opening the Chateau area to the public during events organized especially for the Liteň residents and visitors from the region, i.e.: A cooperation with local clubs and communities – a local fire brigade, a Children center, a Leisure-time center Domeček in Hořovice and some sport groups. Among the co-organized events belong:

Celebrations „Burning of witches“, Easter egg hunt in Chateau park, May Day Celebrations, Winter run around Liteň and the Chateau park, children´s  sport races etc.

C) Participation in creating an educational trail of interesting places in the small town of Liteň (providing materials and production of posters related to Chateau Liteň).


  • To continue expanding and supporting community activities
  • To encourage more participation in activities and in the Association of Chateau Liteň
  • To continue promoting attractiveness of the small town of Liteň within and outside the region.