Liteň French Horn Days

The festival was opened with a parade of French horn players who gathered in Liteň for the second time. On the 23rd and 24th of April, they met at participant concerts joined by French horn players from the Czech Philharmonic. In addition to the concerts, they gained new knowledge at the workshop led by horn player MgA. Ondřej Vrabec on the topic of contemporary music.  There was also the option to attend a lecture presented by MUDr. Pavel Drbal where the participants could learn about proper breathing and posture.

The Liteň French Horn Days also invited the public to visit. As part of the accompanying program, for those who were interested, also public could listen to participant’s concerts throughout the weekend. On Sunday the 24th of April, as part of the accompanying program, they could see an exhibition of brass instruments by Brass studio Prague or listen to a concert of hunting trumpeters. Admission to the concerts was free.

The detailed program of the Liteň French Horn Days can be downloaded here.

The Liteň French Horn Days took place in cooperation with renowned French horn player, Jindřich Kolář, from the Czech Philharmonic.